Sunday, June 12, 2022

Snowflake Sweetie Tutorial





Supplies Need 

Winter Wonderland Kit HERE

PSP Tube HERE (by© Goldwasser ) 

Belinda New Year Outfit HERE 


PSP Program & Jasc Animation 

Snowflake Sweetie Tutorial 

1. Open psp program go to File new size 700 x 700 transparent image 

2. Go to your Custom Selections with these setting below 

Top 118, Left 167, Right 518 and Bottom 554 check use this current selection then open Paper 12 add it to your foreground pattern 45 angle, 50 scales click okay then go to Layers>Add new raster layer click on your paint can and paint strip paper into the marching ants then go to Selections>Modify>Contrast 25 click okay then go to Edit>Cut then go to Selections>Select None. Then go to your 3d Effects>Inner Bevel with this setting below 

Bevel # 2, Width 25, Image Smoothness 7, Depth 3, Angle 315, Color is White, Intensity 50 and Elevation 30 everything else is 0 click okay 

3. Add this solid color #d3d3f4 into your foreground with your magic wand click inside the frame we create then go to Selections>Modify>Expand 3 click okay then with your mouse move the tool beneath the frame go to Layers>Add new raster layer then click on your paint can and paint the solid color into the marching ants then go to Selections>Select None 

4. Open Tree 3 go to Image>Resize height 550 pixels click okay then go to Edit>Copy go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool move the tree on the right side of the frame as shown above 

5. Open Garland 2 go to Image>Mirror then go to Image>Resize 45% then go to Edit>Copy now go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool move the garland on the left bottom corner as shown above (see parts it) 

6. Open Charm 2 go to Image>Mirror then go to Image>Resize 45% then go to Edit>Copy go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool move it up a little then take your selection tool draw box around the chain on the transparent image then go to Edit>Cut then go to Selections>None (or erase it ) 

7. Open Bow 2 go to Image>Resize 25% then go to Edit>Copy now go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool move the bow on the upper top corner on the left side (hide the chain) 

8. Open Sparkles 1 go to Edit>Copy then go down to the light blue inner paper go to Selections>Select all, Selections>Float then go to Layers>Add new raster layer then go to Edit>Paste into Selection then go to Selections>Select None. (you just add the sparkle snowflakes into the image 

9. Open psp tube of Belinda and the New year outfit and design her the way I have above or your choice. I open Belinda first remove all of the witch items then I open the New Year outfit and design her outfit then go to Layers>Merge>Merge Visible (outfit) then go to Edit>Copy then go to the top of Belinda go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool move the outfit over Belinda then adjust her as you like then once done with Belinda go to Layers>Merge>Merge Visible then go to Edit>Copy then go to Edit>Paste into Image go to step 10

 A. Purple Stockings (New Year outfit change to blue using Hue 177 & Saturation 131

B. New Year Ornament (red) change to Blue with Hue 149 & Saturation 71 

C. Open Sparkle 1 and the snow

10. Go to Belinda go to Image>Resize 500 height pixels click okay then go to Edit>Copy then go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place her into the image as I did above 

11. Open Snow 1 go to Image>Resize 80% then go to Edit>Copy go down to the frame layer go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place the snow down beneath the tree and Belinda 

12. Open Snowflake go to Image>Resize 25% then go to Edit>Copy then go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool move the snowflake on top of the 2 snow balls on her back go to the top one then go to Layers>Duplicate move it on the second snow ball then go to Layers>Duplicate move it on top of the sparkle now take your eraser in small size and erase part of the snowflake where her hand is at, making look like she holding the snowflake then once down all that go down beneath Belinda go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer this time move the snowflake in front of her knee with the tree as shown above 

13. Open Lollypop 2 go to Image>Resize 25% then again at 55% then go to Image>Free Rotate Right 15 click okay then go to Edit>Copy go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool move the lollypop into the hand (as shown above) then take your eraser and erase the stick on her thumb (just tab it) 

14. Open Snowman 1 go to Image>Resize 25% then go to Edit>Copy go down the snowflake by her knee hit it with your move tool then go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool move the snowman next to Belinda as shown above 

15. Open Snowman 2 go to Image>Mirror then go to Image>Resize 45% then go to Edit>Copy then go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool move the snowman in front of the tree as shown above 

16. Go to your push tool and push it up a little around the snowman making it look like it depth with the snow then do it with the tree and Belinda too (optional)

17. Open Snow 2 go to Image>Resize 80% then go to Edit>Copy go down to the snow layer go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool move it a little down with the snow and behind the snowman 1 then go to Layers>Duplicate, Image>Flip and move it down on the transparent image with the snow as shown above 

18. Open the word art Snowflake Sweetie go to Image>Resize 55% then go to Edit>Copy then go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place the word art on the bottom between Belinda and snowman 2 as shown above 

19. Open Ice Cystals go to Image>Resize 55% then go to Edit>Copy go down to the frame go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place it on the top of the frame 

20. Close off the light blue paper and the sparkle snow then go to Layers>Merge>Merge Visible then go to the sparkle snow and the light blue paper go to Layers>Merge>Merge Down (put then together) then go to Windows>Duplicate then delete sparkle snowflake blue paper and save it as PNG Format 1 FC then go to the Duplicate delete Elements with Belinda and save the sparkle blue paper as 2 BG now open Jasc Animation go to step 21

21. Open 1FC, 2BG, snow animation (we add the copyright also as well as your name ) 

22. Take the 2 BG go to Edit>Select all, Edit>Copy Edit>Duplicate 5 times then scroll to F:17 highlight the layer (red around the blue) hit delete button til you are at F:10 then scroll to F:1 

23. Take the snow go to Edit>Select all, Edit>Copy now go to the bg go to Edit>Select all, then right click your mouse go to Paste>Into Select Frame add it to the top and then do it again til get to the bottom ( 1 did it 2 times top and bottom)

24. Take your 1FC make it F:10 then add it to your background like did the snow 

25. Go to View>Animation you see the snow falling in the background once done viewing close it 

26. Go to File new size 500 x 500 you going to do 2 things as follow below 

A. Add copyright as shown below 

© Goldwasser

 add GA_Name as mine is GA_Tinkers Boo 

B. Add your name I use the following below 

Font Hypnotica, Oblique I did size 48

Color #387DB2

Now go to Windows>Duplicate use your crop tool crop both the copyright and your name then make then both F:10 then add them both to your image tag as I did above 

27. Go to Animation>Resize 600 pixels click okay 

28. Go to File save as GIF Format this completes this tutorial look for more tutorials to come soon and may you have a safe and cozy winter 

Hugs Tinkers Boo 

written Jan 11th, 2022


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